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our offerings

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monte california
April 13-21, 2025

Relating… Impossible to escape. 

Life itself is the web…

No way to get out,

no way to stay in.

We are flux! In & out.

Discovering the art of being, rising and falling waves. Wobbliness while standing in the surfing board, as the water of emotions move relentlessly. It is time to wake up and feel our feet sustaining instability. There is security with a smile! We feel body, emotions, and mind in fluctuation, erasing pre-conceptions, smelling the salty ocean, opening heart and eyes simultaneously. This love sustains, inspires, creates, vibrates, releases, shakes, dances, opens, forgives, resets, invites what is alive within. Polarities like to alternate…. Aloneness often fantasizes the other as dream-like escapism. Desires fly in the wings of imagination, designing in the air the perfect match, the one who will finally recognize the love we have trapped inside behind excuses not to release it freely. Only when, only if, only then… Tomorrow never comes, the veils become thicker and further justifiable. Togetherness invents solitude as a distraction to the challenges that facing our own mirror brings up. Better to walk to the top of the mountain and forget about the joy of sharing, as the sky has no limits, and the sun shines each morning. Following impulses vibrating from our core, listening deeper to our wishes and yearnings, while honouring others' sensitivity through clear, direct, and candid communication. Pleasure likes to run away from pain, sexuality likes to break through the rigidity of morality, attraction likes to maintain arrogance through distance, intimacy likes to leak life-force when it can no longer embrace vulnerability. The body generates tension when it feels unsafe, silence likes to scream when it is not heard wordlessly… Confident freedom provokes contraction when the tiny voice trembles fearing to get lost. The beauty of our own subjectivity can dance in alone-together, me and you, beyond beginning and ending. We are here to inquiry into what holds us back from fully embrace this and that, you and me? THIS EXPLORATION IS grounded in Kashmeerian Tantric practices. Infinity and containment, endurance and surrender, presence and dissolution, earthbound and cosmic, can we be this and that simultaneously. The undertone of this gathering will be DARING TO BE VASTNESS!


July 20-26,2025

Fierceness is revealed when nothing makes sense, when you don't know where to go, when the fire is burning and you want to go away!

Returning to THIS! at each time!

DARING TO STAY THROUGH ALL THE WAVES... Fierceness is revealed when the intensity blinds your clarity, and your vision is blurred, when the senses are in overwhelm trying to reset and find rest. Remembrance is at the core, you stay alert, back into the heart of emptiness. Letting it be. Awareness dissolves patterns of past dreams. Wind blows ideals of how it should be. Fire burns romantic expecations. Stay with each breath, remembering what brings radiance to your soul, deepening the silence where the merging always happens, moving with oscillations of moods and perceptions, discovering new layers of presence. Fierce Love does not waver, even though it shakes and quivers. Fierce Love does not filter inconvenience, but embraces what is. FIERCE LOVE is for the brave at Heart. A week of rawness, openness, releasing tension from the body-mind, touching tenderness and aliveness, vibrating at the core of what is real. Staying present even when the inner voices urge you to run away, daring to face triggers and discomfort, surrendering attachment and judgement. Opening to sensitivity, pure honesty, innocent touch. Sharing magic rituals, trusting Truth is only now. There is nothing else than this LOVE.

monte california
August 10-18, 

Pure energy is Urja,

that which vibrates life force unrestrained.

Remembrance, returning to source,

seeing through, looking in,  unknowing, spaciousness, revelations...

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What happens when we are together in one room for 8 days, open to explore nakedness of body, heart & soul? Clothes hide the body to protect from the elements. In time clothes became protection from sensitivity, hiding body-shame, suffocating our movements. Our persona hides soul-vibrancy, suffocating our sensibility and authentic expression. Words protect our heart, avoiding vulnerability and emotional spontaneity. How do we unveil body-heart-soul to meet in truthfulness? Can we undress, just to FEEL? Beyond preconceived limitations established by past experiences, towards rawness that exposes the layers of expressions that cannot fit into any box? THIS EXPLORATION INVITES RESONANCE – as the natural pull between energetic forms vibrating at the same frequency…

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Monte California

September 29-October 5, 2025

Uncompromising, deeply rooted, 

essential, profound, drastic,

groundbreaking, cutting-edge,

pioneering, innovative, timeless!

You want to know…what are we going to do? Nothing! Doing nothing! To enliven the body we simply breath, the body moves on its own shaking, in slowness and intensity. Opening the core with bursting sincerity. Looking into eyes to see soul and all that has been carried for life-times. Dissolving the masks of personality by acknowledging their intelligence as survival. Daring to inquiry into our own lies and fears, retrieving their essential qualities as precious resources. Trying to hoard the unrest is ridiculous. Yet, releasing what it was seems challenging. Recognizing, simply opening our eyes to see! Fear of losing, what anyway has been lost. Being bold about our desires, beyond shame, self-judgement, loneliness. Surprising yourself with how you can be fully spirited! Washing the traits of protection, thriving in beingness of body-soul, carving the realness of radical presence. Radical means pervasive, profound, thorough, revolutionary, visionary, deeply rooted, acute, insightful, intense, rooted inside-out, powerful, essentially ALIVE! The undertone of this gathering will be BRINGING TOTALITY & CREATIVE POWER TO RELATIONSHIPS.

sahara desert 

october 10-18, 2025


the will to live,

the will to love.

 In surrender, readiness!

To live and die...

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Life is fluidity. Identifications lock potential into rigidity. This contradiction causes pain and suffering, blaming and defensiveness. Dissolving polarities, expands our capacity to surrender to aliveness. Strangely, opposites meet in harmony, inner-outer as one. Experiencing open spaces within-without doesn't promise safety. Mysterious skies are painted with stars. Solitude reveals the insignificance of our tiny bodies walking in the sand, leaving no footprints. The whispers of silence and awareness sparks consciousness in between lives. The grounding of this gathering is communing with the desert, darkness meditation, the Tibetan Bardo transmissions, orgasmic rivers, and silence…

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